🥾 The way of the outside sea

What is:
trekking trip
Where: When:
October 06, 2024 - October 11, 2024
Adressed to:
740 euro
5 days of trekking along the wild coast of Nurra, in the north-west of Sardinia, between Capo Falcone (Stintino) and Capo Caccia (Alghero) in collaboration with Activestay La Palma agency of Arco (TN).

Golden beaches and hidden coves, ancient mining villages and remote shepherd's trails, hills with Mediterranean flora and forests of centuries-old oaks, silver cliffs and limestone caves, songs of seabirds and flight of griffons...
...and much more…

in the Geo-mining Park of Sardinia and the Porto Conte Regional Natural Park
🥾 Strait of Bonifacio trekking in autumn

What is:

Where: When:
October 13, 2024 - October 19, 2024
Adressed to:
details coming soon
"Strait of Bonifacio trekking" is a five-day trail that in about 65 kilometers cross the northern coast of Sardinia...
This beautiful and wild coastal trek between Isola Rossa and Santa Teresa di Gallura is made by small hidden bays, white sand dunes, red granite cliffs with thousand shapes, Maquis shrubland, the scent of helichrysum, seagull songs and much more.
In collaboration with the Activestay La Palma agency of Arco (Trento)
🥾 Path of Colors in Sardinia

What is:
trekking trip
Where: When:
October 20, 2024 - October 25, 2024
Adressed to:

A five-day walk along the wild coast west of Sardinia, between Bosa and Cabras, in collaboration with the Activestay agency La Palma of Arco (TN)

Volcanic cliffs overlooking the sea, crossed by canyons and the only waterfalls in Italy to fall directly into the sea...
Limestone rocks looks like the moon...
Beaches with quartz grains...
The ancient Phoenician city of Tharros and the giants of Mount Prama...
Inside the Sinis Marine Protected Area.
🥾 Sulcis trekking

What is:
trekking trip
Where: When:
October 26, 2024 - October 31, 2024
Adressed to:
details coming soon
Five days of trekking along the volcanic coasts of the island of San Pietro and the coast of the Sulcis mines, between Nebida and Buggerru, in the Geo-mining Park of Sardinia
🥾 Supramonte trekking in Autumn

What is:

Where: When:
November 02, 2024 - November 08, 2024
Adressed to:
details coming soon
Five days in the most evocative and characteristic places of the Supramonte, among canyons, sinkholes, caves, archaeological sites, waterfalls, millenary trees and hidden coves.
Monte Corrasi, Tiscali, Gorroppu, Pischina Urtaddala, Sa Giuntura, Cala Luna ... and other enchanting places for a concentrate of adventure!

Fabio Ghisu
Via G. Caproni, 29 | 38121 Trento, Italia
P.IVA: 02489780227
Tel: +39 320 8640504

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